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Business Ethics Now(4版)
有關Business Ethics Now(4版)的詳細介紹如下:
1.New Frontline Focus boxes in Chapter 2~6 and 9.
2.New and updated Ethical Dilemma boxes in Chapter 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, and 10.
3.New and updated Internet Exercises in Chapter 5, 8, 9, and 10.
4.New and updated Thinking Critically questions in Chapter 1~10.
5.A new Review Exercise in Chapter 10.
1.Frontline Focus—hypothetical scenarios in which frontline employees are faced with ethical dilemmas. An issue is described at the beginning of each chapter, and the solution is at the end, after the student has read the related text material.
2.Ethical Dilemma—real-life cases that challenge students to see issues from all sides building problem solving and critical thinking skills. These cases facilitate great class discussions and can be used to encourage students to work together.
3.Progress Check Questions provide assessment of comprehension throughout each chapter.
4.Thinking Critically exercises appear at the end of every chapter. These detailed case studies, featuring well-known companies, present ethical situations that encourage students to focus on the impact of decisions they may face someday.
作者: Andrew W. Ghillyer
Business Ethics Now(4版)